Please join us every Sunday from 9:00 – 10:30am for our Divine Sunday Service.
Our location has been listed near the bottom of this website.
All are welcome!
Name: Pastor Kurt Schnackenberg
Cell: +27 84 266 7837
Pastor Schnackenberg has been an active pastor in the community and has served in the FELSISA synod for more than 15 years.
Should you wish to join his confirmation classes, or join our ELF announcement WhatsApp group. Kindly contact Pastor Schnackenberg through the above-mentioned details
The English Luthern Fellowship is a member congregation of the FELSISA Synod in South Africa.
The English Lutheran Fellowship is a Confessional Lutheran church and subscribes unconditionally to the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord of 1580. We believe that these Confessions put forth a correct and thorough exposition of God’s Holy Word. We do not hold these Confessions above God’s Holy Word as it is revealed to us in the Bible. The Bible is the absolute sole source and norm of all Christian doctrine. Our Confessions simply confess and teach what God reveals to us in the Bible. You can read our Lutheran Confessions here.
Watch our latest sermon below, or download the PDF version here
Find our full playlist on our YouTube channel.